The Concordcreek Chesapeake Bay Retriever breeding line produces for hunting, conformation, obedience, field work, health, temperament, and most importantly companionship.
The Concordcreek Chesapeake Bay Retriever breeding line produces for hunting, conformation, obedience, field work, health, temperament, and most importantly companionship.
“In His Hand is the Life of Every Creature and the Breath of all Mankind”
A show picture of Nyagwai, our foundation / 1st Chessie. The purple collar girl…
Dawe Do with her ACC traveling trophy which represents her accomplishment of being one of the select few to have earned both a Master Hunter (MH) title and a Conformation Championship (CH).
Drake looking majestic along the water’s of Maine.
Hado Was playing in the water in the Fall of 2012 at 12 years of age.
Ota Yo Nih in Maryland going for a swim.
Divino in Maryland back in Oct. 2012 (1 1/2 years old).